Maximizing Remote Work Productivity: Essential Tools and Strategies

June 21, 2024

Maximizing Remote Work Productivity: Essential Tools and Strategies Hero

The good news is that there are plenty of tools out there to help encourage employees, keep coworkers connected, and help increase the work at home productivity. In our last post, we shared how to setup remote access to enable employees to work from home . This time, we’d like to focus on how to manage people and technology in a remote environment.

1. Use collaborative technology

If you don’t already have Microsoft Teams or Zoom, now is the time to invest in these solutions.

As part of the Microsoft 365 productivity suite, Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool with features like:

  • Conversation channels
  • Video conferencing and screen sharing
  • Integration with Office 365
  • Shared document spaces

Zoom is a video conferencing tool with features like:

  • Screen sharing
  • Chat messaging
  • Meeting recording
  • Breakout rooms

work at home productivity

Both tools work on both PCs and mobile device. Microsoft has made Microsoft Teams available for FREE. Zoom is always free, but with limitations.

2. Let employees working at home use office equipment

If employees don’t have computers or extra monitors at home, consider letting them take their work equipment home from the office. Keeping the same tech set up will make for a smoother transition and increase work at home productivity.

Forbes work from home tech tips

3. Move to Microsoft 365 or G-Suite

Microsoft 365 and G Suite are great tools to utilize at a time like this. They have great data security – even with everyone out of office. Both systems come with collaboration tools like:

  • Shared files
  • Shared calendar
  • Video conferencing
  • Documents can be edited simultaneously

Additionally, G Suite and Microsoft 365 have tons of online support articles, live chat and telephone support. Outsourced technology professionals like us can help troubleshoot your problems and repair your systems if you’re having issues.

4. Encourage employees to create a dedicated office workspace

There are benefits and challenges when working from home. Maintaining a work-life balance is always challenging, but especially when suddenly everyone is at home. The kids. The roommates. The significant other.

One key to creating separation between home-life and work life is for each person to have their own space to work – and use that space ONLY for work. Even if the space is small, make it as functional and welcoming as possible. Create a spot near a window for fresh air. Buy a portable file cabinet to keep papers close to you, but neatly out of sight. Make sure you have a comfortable chair that supports your back and creates a good ergonomic position for working.

Mind Tools – working from home

5. Encourage employees to stick to a schedule

Keeping a daily routine helps employees create normalcy. Encourage your team to keep getting up early, showering, and getting dressed for the day. It’s difficult to be in a business mindset when you’re in your pajamas and haven’t brushed your teeth. Employees also need to schedule breaks for lunch – and quitting time for the day. When the lines between work and play start to get blurry, sticking to a schedule and a work space will make things clearer.

Employees can support their mental health by making time for:

  • Meals
  • Self-care
  • Exercise
  • Walks outside
  • Chats with friends
  • Cooking nutritious meals
  • Maintaining order in their space

These activities don’t have to cut into work time, and actually, in the long run, will make employees more productivity.

Stack Overflow working from home tips

6. Consider adding “water cooler” chats for employees to connect

Most of us find friends at work and love catching up with them on our lunch and breaks. That can’t happen without the communal office. Create a channel for your team to stay connected and chat about fun, non-work topics. Boost morale by creating employees their own chat group or optional video conferencing time just for socialization. Starting with a silly riddle or trivia question can be a fun way to divert the brain quickly from work talk.

BBC Work from home the right way

7. Give employees the technology needed to be productive – and protect your business

For some businesses, initially enabling employees to work from home was a mad scramble to keep the business operating. Now that it appears this situation may endure for a while, businesses need to think about how to improve remote operations to help employees stay productive and to protect business data. We’re seeing clients:

  • Buy anti-virus software for employee home computers
  • Invest in CRM software to enable better collaboration on sales opportunities
  • Setup VOIP software to route phone calls professionally to cell phones
  • Move their documents and file storage to the cloud
  • Improve software integrations

Providing secure, remote access for employees is not a “one size fits all” solution, but instead, requires a consultation to understand your unique needs.

If you want to explore your options, please reach out to our team by via email at or by calling 1.313.284.5656

Tags: productivity

Steve Kaschimer

Steve Kaschimer


Steve is a Software and Cloud Engineer, Content Creator, and Innovation Enthusiast. He is open to collaborating on projects that match his skills, which include .NET Framework/Core, C#, APIs, RESTful Services, SQL Databases, and Azure.