Email Management

Need email for your business? Or do you need help managing it? We can help!

Streamlined Business Email Setup and Management

Our services cover:

  1. Email System Selection: We’ll guide you to the ideal email platform.
  2. Security Configuration: Ensure robust security settings.
  3. Smooth Migration: Seamlessly transfer emails from existing systems.
  4. Distribution Groups: Set up efficient communication channels.
  5. Employee Support: Assist with email setup on computers and devices.

Choosing Between Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace for Business Email

Email remains the primary tool for business communication. When deciding between Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, consider the following benefits:

  1. Data Security: Both platforms offer reliable email options, but Microsoft 365 provides better data security.
  2. Integration: Google Workspace integrates seamlessly with other business applications for documents and spreadsheets.
  3. Global Email Policies: Both suites allow global email policy administration.
  4. User Management: Easily manage employee email accounts.
  5. Collaboration: Share calendars, resources, and collaborate on documents and chat.

Choose the solution that aligns best with your business needs!

Last updated: June 17, 2024