Data Management

Implementing effective data management practices serves as the bedrock for running a data-driven business and enhancing productivity.

Your data is your #1 business asset

Implementing effective data management practices serves as the bedrock for running a data-driven business and enhancing productivity. In a typical business, numerous systems handle various functions such as marketing, sales, production, and accounting.

Our data management services instill confidence that you’re capturing the right information and maintaining synchronized business records. Our solutions encompass:

  • Customized Databases: We create tailored databases to suit your specific needs.
  • Migration Services: Transition away from platforms like Microsoft Access, Lotus Notes, AirTable, or other legacy or low-code solutions.
  • System Integration: Seamlessly connect your business systems.
  • Workflow Automation: Streamline record updates through automated processes.
  • Dashboard and Report Development: Visualize insights effectively.

Let us guide you toward a solid foundation where accurate data prevails, and sustainable business processes thrive.

Benefits of data management services

  • Accurate data Be confident that you always have up-to-date information
  • Efficient Processes Eliminate time-consuming error-prone manual processes
  • Reliable Results See the big picture by eliminating data silos

The Importance of Data Management

Reliable information about your customers, products, and financials is crucial for informed decision-making. However, when you rely on multiple standalone solutions, data can easily fall out of sync. Consider this scenario: a customer record exists in various systems, including:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) system
  • Ecommerce or Point of Sale (POS) system
  • Accounting system

The challenge lies in identifying the same customer across these systems—especially when multiple customers share similar names. Additionally, ensuring consistent updates to addresses, emails, and phone numbers across all platforms can be complex. And what if you need a consolidated report that combines data from these disparate sources? We specialize in creating tailored data management plans to address your unique requirements.

10 signs your organization is having data management issues

  1. Delayed Address Updates: If it takes months to update addresses before sending out holiday cards or event invitations, it’s a sign of data management challenges.
  2. Frequent Back-and-Forth Communication: When employees routinely call or email the back office to check product availability, it suggests data discrepancies.
  3. Manual Data Re-Entry: Having to re-enter or cut-and-paste information between systems indicates inefficient data handling.
  4. Excel Spreadsheet Overload: If you rely heavily on Excel spreadsheets for critical data, it may lead to data inconsistencies.
  5. Excessive Verification: Spending significant time checking and double-checking data points hints at data reliability issues.
  6. System Hopping: When employees log into multiple systems to find a single answer, it highlights data fragmentation.
  7. Missed Deadlines: Failing to meet important deadlines due to data-related challenges signals a problem.
  8. Lack of Insights: If you struggle to adjust business strategies for better results, data gaps may be the cause.
  9. Confusing File Names: Having files named “final_final_final3” suggests disorganized data practices.
  10. Limited Cross-Department Visibility: Departments caught off guard due to lack of visibility into other areas of the business may face data management issues.

Last updated: June 19, 2024