Efficient Email and Document Management with Microsoft 365

June 20, 2024

Efficient Email and Document Management with Microsoft 365 Hero

Like millions of small businesses around the world, Skratsch Solutions extensively relies on Microsoft 365 email and document management solutions (Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) for business productivity and business communications.

As a technology services firm, we also set up and install Microsoft solutions for our clients all the time. Recently, our team was discussing about what we can do to help clients understand all that Microsoft 365 has to offer, and how they should use Microsoft to simplify their workflow processes.

Down the rabbit hole we went….

Microsoft has made so many changes over the years, especially moving to the cloud-based Microsoft 365, that we wondered if WE were using Microsoft 365 in the best way possible. Even amongst our team, we had strong, differing opinions on the BEST way to do simple things like organizing our email inboxes.

Borne from that lively discussion, we’re creating this series of articles that will cover questions we have about how BEST to use Microsoft 365 for email and document management.

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If you want to explore your options, please reach out to our team by via email at support@skratsch.com or by calling 1.313.284.5656

Tags: business

Steve Kaschimer

Steve Kaschimer


Steve is a Software and Cloud Engineer, Content Creator, and Innovation Enthusiast. He is open to collaborating on projects that match his skills, which include .NET Framework/Core, C#, APIs, RESTful Services, SQL Databases, and Azure.